Friday, September 19, 2008

September 19th


Quick vocab lesson on financial market terms we haven't covered yet. Teams of 2, 1 term - define it - create a picture representing it and present it.

Accounting I

A look into a company, outflows, inflows, expenses, revenue, profit, loss. Brainstorming and then looking over source documents.

Advanced Accounting

Audit test for the Mini practice set.

September 18th

Banking and Accounting

Both classes had quizzes today.

Accounting class completed vocab definitions after their quiz.

Advanced Accounting
Finished their mini practice set and made certain you had all printouts.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

September 16th

Continued discussing the financial world news. This morning I had read and article from the WSJ and shared the information for warm-up -- followed by class discussion.

We finished reviewing the work from the first Lesson assignments last week.

We will have a quiz on it Thursday.

Accounting I

Finished the vocabulary words on the pink vocab sheet for regulatory agencies. Discussed what was happening in the finance world.

Quiz will be on Thursday.

Advanced Accounting
Finished inputting the source documents. We did the returns and the employer's payroll tax entry.

Double checked to make sure you had all the source documents recorded and if any were missing added those in.

College Acctg

Started Section 3 of Chapter 12 - ratio analysis. See you assignment sheet.

Monday, September 15, 2008

September 15th


Current events were a big topic again today. Students read an article about Lehman Brothers from the WSJ from last Friday and then we discussed bits of it. I added information from an article off the news at 7am this morning about the bankruptcy. We then discussed the Merrill Lynch buyout and the troubles at AIG.

We logged in the current price of oil and gold into our investment logs.

We continued to take notes on the reading from the banking book. Look for a quiz on Wednesday or Thursday at the latest on the bank information.

Accounting I

Chapter 2 test was returned and reviewed with the students. Grades were also updated.

We added to our information on regulations in the accounting world. Be sure to get the pink vocab handout and notes from someone in class.

Quiz on the information probably Thursday.

Advanced Acctg
We entered the payments into the software. BE WARNED! Check # 1741 needs to be entered into the general journal -- use the information listed on the whiteboard in E101.

Be careful of the invoice that you took a discount on.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thursday, Sept. 11th


Students finished their assignment from Chapter 1 in the textbook. I finished speaking with each student individually reviewing their grade in the class at the current time.

Accounting I

Discussed the need for regulations in the school and in the business world. Be sure to get the handout from today -- we completed the grid on agencies and organizations that help to regulate the accounting industry.

Advanced Accounting

We worked in the computer lab on the mini practice set. We entered the receipts, purchase invoices and should be ready to finish inputting the information on Monday.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September 10th


Warmup was the reading of an article from the Washington Post about United airline stocks falling the previous day because of a false article that was published. A lot of discussion on the topic took place.

Students were then given an assignment in their Banking text book.

Assignment in your textbook: (below)

Read lesson 1.2 starting on p. 10 and ends on p. 15
Do the checkpoint on pgs. 12 and 15.
Answer question #1 on pg. 16
Read p. 17 -20.
Do the checkpoint on pg 20.
Read and follow the math on “Banking math connection” on page 18.
Read p. 25 – 28.
Do the checkpoint on pg. 27
Do the checkpoint on pg. 28
Define the vocabulary words on pg. 30.

This work will be finished on Thursday as I finish talking with each student about their current grade.

Accounting I

Test - chapter 2

Advanced Accounting

We moved to the computer lab and started inputting the source documents. We finished all of the sales invoices.

September 9th


Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac discussion. Students were to bring an article from Monday's paper about the topic.

I presented information about the companies, as in when they started, how, and why. Student discussion followed based on their articles.

Accounting I

Vocabulary review game.

Reviewed the Chapter 2 review.

Prepared for test on Wednesday.

Advanced Accounting

Mini practice Set #1 -- previewed the source documents.