Thursday, September 4, 2008

September 4th


Continued working on the research for their project. Some teams were able to begin the layout of the poster. We reviewed the rubric for the poster. This is available for student review - just ask. Posters are being presented on Monday.

Accounting I

Finished defining all the vocab words for Chapter 2. Completed a practice case study and then a case study for a quiz grade. We had quite a bit of discussion on the case studies. No new notes were taken.

Advanced Accounting

3rd - Reviewed their quiz from yesterday. Placed the students in teams of 2 and assigned the teams to complete problem 18-A --- then I checked it. The final problem was 2-5 in the Advanced Accounting textbook. This was also check in class on and individual basis. Another quiz tomorrow on Adjustments.

Bring something else with you to do - you will have extra time.

5th - Completed 18-8, 18-A and 2-5 as practice on adjustments. Quiz on Friday.