Monday, September 15, 2008

September 15th


Current events were a big topic again today. Students read an article about Lehman Brothers from the WSJ from last Friday and then we discussed bits of it. I added information from an article off the news at 7am this morning about the bankruptcy. We then discussed the Merrill Lynch buyout and the troubles at AIG.

We logged in the current price of oil and gold into our investment logs.

We continued to take notes on the reading from the banking book. Look for a quiz on Wednesday or Thursday at the latest on the bank information.

Accounting I

Chapter 2 test was returned and reviewed with the students. Grades were also updated.

We added to our information on regulations in the accounting world. Be sure to get the pink vocab handout and notes from someone in class.

Quiz on the information probably Thursday.

Advanced Acctg
We entered the payments into the software. BE WARNED! Check # 1741 needs to be entered into the general journal -- use the information listed on the whiteboard in E101.

Be careful of the invoice that you took a discount on.