Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September 10th


Warmup was the reading of an article from the Washington Post about United airline stocks falling the previous day because of a false article that was published. A lot of discussion on the topic took place.

Students were then given an assignment in their Banking text book.

Assignment in your textbook: (below)

Read lesson 1.2 starting on p. 10 and ends on p. 15
Do the checkpoint on pgs. 12 and 15.
Answer question #1 on pg. 16
Read p. 17 -20.
Do the checkpoint on pg 20.
Read and follow the math on “Banking math connection” on page 18.
Read p. 25 – 28.
Do the checkpoint on pg. 27
Do the checkpoint on pg. 28
Define the vocabulary words on pg. 30.

This work will be finished on Thursday as I finish talking with each student about their current grade.

Accounting I

Test - chapter 2

Advanced Accounting

We moved to the computer lab and started inputting the source documents. We finished all of the sales invoices.